This card is to Join ECP Challenge #12. This week,create a card, layout or other craft project inspired by SPRING! I made this card for my friend in Canada, hope she will like it.
sweet soft flower Ayu have you made by your self hmmm pretty card dear...hugs
Ayu word verificationnya dihapus aja kadang ada DT member yg mau kasih koment krn banyak yg musti di comment suka jadi batal ngasih komentnya ini saran aja sih say...kalau ga jg ya terserah Ayu hehe...lam kangen
Ayu... this is so cute.... love the flowers and the mix of colours pink yellow and blue.
Gorgeous! Love the color combo and design! Your friend will love this!!
this card is so sweeet it :)
sweet soft flower Ayu have you made by your self hmmm pretty card dear...hugs
Ayu word verificationnya dihapus aja kadang ada DT member yg mau kasih koment krn banyak yg musti di comment suka jadi batal ngasih komentnya ini saran aja sih say...kalau ga jg ya terserah Ayu hehe...lam kangen
ayuuu.. i really love this card and am sure your friend does too :) very very pretty pastel colors and love the flowers sooo muchh!! :) great job yu!
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