Sunday, February 13, 2011

An Award

I received this special award from Yenny at Scrapcollector . I'm so happy,,she is so talented and she gave me this award.

This special award, is aimed at bringing unknown good blogs to light and in accepting the award I have had to agree to the following conditions;
1) You have been tagged, do you want to accept? YES! then create a post on your blog and post the love blog photo.
2) Link back to the person who gave you the award and say if you accept.
3) Choose 3-5 of your favourite blogs to tag, link these in your post too and tell the lucky people they have been tagged.

And I will give this blog to my Indonesian's friends who give me so many inspiration and advice :
Vera at Moccavanila
Dwita at Paperunique


Monika Reeck said...

Ayu thanks yaa..wah dpt dua dari Cathy Fong juga....terima kasih ya Ayu....hugs

Rina Damay said...


Thanks for giving me award... happy :)


Rina Damay

Cathy Fongjoyo said...

ayu..i got u an award ^^ please do check my blog