Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Friend" card #1

I miss my college friends. We haven't meet for a long time, no communication even by facebook. We don't angry each other, but maybe we have a lot of thing to do. Hhhhhmmmm I miss the time when I still in college,,I miss the situation. Less off stress.. LOL  . I wish I can meet them soon. ^^

I made a "friend" card today, hope can send this card for one of them,, I will make more "friend" card.
I used the sketch #104 from Friday Sketchers.


Dwita said...

Pretty card, Ayu.. Pretty coloring on that girl..

Eva's World said...

Sweet card and very cheerful color.

Moccavanila by Vera Rhuhay said...

Cheerful and cute!
I have this stamp too, and I love it!

joVita m. said...

lucuuuunya Ayu.... cantik kartunya...!

Monika Reeck said...

Ayu she is so adorable..cute Images Yu...Sweeet card..